A beautiful service was held on Thursday 18th February to celebrate the Institution and Induction of the Reverend Linda Jayne Cox as Rector to the benefice of Baschurch, Weston Lullingfields and Hordley, at All Saints’, Baschurch. At least one coach and many cars came filled with Linda’s friends from Leicestershire to join in with the celebrations. The service was led by the Archdeacon of Shropshire the Venerable Paul Thomas supported by the Reverend Karen Davies, the Rural Dean. Linda was escorted into church by her former training incumbent The Reverend Canon Vivien Elphick, Team Rector of The Woodfield Team, the Diocese of Leicester.
The hymns for the service had all been carefully chosen by Linda and she also accompanied the choir with the solo in ‘Lead Me Lord’. Following the Decalaration and Oaths; and then the Installation and Induction, Linda went to the tower to ring one of the bells, thereby signifying her Induction to the parish. If the number of tolls of the bell represents the number of years Linda will in the village she will get to know us all very well! Next representatives from the parishes presented Linda with symbolic gifts. These were to support the commitment to the Diocescan Growth strategy - Discovering the Heart of God; Growing Disciples; Reaching New Generations; Transforming Communities and Practising Generosity.
Following the service everyone tucked into a huge spread of food which had been produced by the three parishes. Although there were many to feed, the Gospel reading heard during the service, of the feeding of the five thousand was very apt – there was still masses of food left over! There was lots of chat and it was delightful to meet all of Linda’s supporters.
We are all thrilled to have Linda in post and offer a very warm welcome to her, Martyn her husband and three sons Matthew, Benjamin and Daniel and look forward to including them in the community.